Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Yesterday, was the funeral. My son, and the other pall bearers each stood up and said something. It was gut wrenching.

Later, in the afternoon, Sean's mom died. She is finally at peace. I heard she said to her sister, when it became apparent that she wasn't able to go too see Sean one more time that it was okay, he'd been with her all weekend. Maybe knowing he was 'waiting' for her made it easier for her.

My 21 year old son is a pall bearer again- twice in one week. Although it is an honor, it is also a tragedy. This week needs to be over. These are things that shouldn't be experienced at this age.

Actually, at any age.


  1. I send my prayers and sympathy to you and your family in this sad and difficult time.

  2. I'm sitting here with chills...and sobbing. I know all too well the pain you are feeling right now. One of my son's best friends was killed when they were in middle school. He was hit by a car while crossing the road at a Halloween party. My son is now 22...very close to the age of these boys. The horror and tragedy of the loss of life is beyond measure, especially when it is one so very young. I will keep all of you in my prayers.

  3. hugs to you and your families Ardith
