Right.... I'm sure something will pop up to worry about, plan and obsess on.... just give me a minute. Something will come up.
Well, a girl can dream of doing nothing, can't she?
Anyway, Christmas is long over, and put away.
We had a lovely one though. Everyone seemed to like what they got, I sure did. We went to my sister's for Christmas eve, lovely as always. We all came back here and played a classy game, called Assh*le. I think they changed the rules whenever it was my turn.
Mom joined us for gift opening in the morning. It was chaos. I might need a bigger house for holidays.
Molli got a new Sock Monkey sweater!
I'm not sure she was thrilled.
We had a late day Christmas dinner here. I made the blackberry jam cake as always, it's a family tradition.
Mark came through with some FAB gifts as usual - I always say, he gets major brownie points for good gift giving. What's NOT to love about a man who will shop at Anthropologie and Henri Bendel?
We got great gifts from our kids, they shouldn't spend their money on us... but since they insist .... Jess and Blain made us a wonderful wedding book, from their wedding, AND they gave me the Barbra book 'Hello Gorgeous'. (say with a Brooklyn accent please)
Scarlett and Dan gave us Apple TV- we are loving it. Gives us something to watch- we were on a Dexter marathon. A little serial killer is always a good stress reliever- right? Ah yeah...
Corbin and Ally orchestrated pictures of all 6 kids and all 5 dogs!! There are great pictures, and the out takes are pretty darn funny... imagine trying to get 6 people and 5 dogs to sit still and look at the camera, and not have anyone with a wonky look on their face. Not an easy task. And to keep all dogs in various sizes from miniature to REALLY big from attacking one another!! Actually they all get on really well. The giant ones are gentle, and the sassy ones keep a respected distance!
Here's a small sampling...
I also got one of each couple and their furry babies... Molli and Jet were sporting sweaters, of course.
And here's Clemmie (just so she doesn't feel left out)... in one of her new couch beds, sporting her Christmas dress.
So, with the holiday behind us and SO much to do in front of us... I've managed to stay fairly sane.
I said fairly.
Scarlett had her final fitting this week, everything went well with that. She is just beautiful. We decided on a wrap for her.. hopefully it won't be 30 below zero that day. We finalized what the flowers are going to be...nothing mundane, remember who we are dealing with here. Donna, my talented floral friend and I pow wowed the other day on decor... I think we've got a game plan. I've been a wee bit into spray glitter, and might have inadvertently sprayed my face. Gave new meaning to the word sparkly. I have more spraying to do, perhaps I should don a bee keepers hat whilst spraying. I've been using the new barn for this. Corbin gave me an eyebrow, and mentioned the glitter on the floor... like he EVER noticed anything amiss in his bedroom.
Next week, I have to meet with the caterer, wedding planner, and venue manager at the venue to finalize things. I want to wrap up my glittering of trees and move on with decor. In theory the week after, I'd like to have all this done.
I crack myself up.
After this is over, I am going to have a lot of interesting things that frankly I'm not going to know what to do with. Maybe I'll start a wedding planning business. I've sure as hell got the decor. You are, however, out of luck if you don't want either a summer or winter wedding... I've got nothing for spring or fall...

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